
Etanol do celów przemysłowych jest często produkowany poprzez bezpośrednią syntezę z gazu syntezowego która prowadzi do czystszego chemicznie etanolu.


All About Biodiesel

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What is biodiesel? Esters are often called biodiesel. It is ecological, non-toxic and renewable fuel, biodegradable, with almost identical properties as the mineral fuel oil.

Biodiesel is the composition of mineral fuel oil and vegetable origin additives, so called fatty acids esters (methyl or ethyl). Esters are produced among others from rapeseed.

Process: The key idea of biofuel production from rapeseed oil is the double exchange reaction of triglycerides and light aliphatic alcohols (C1 - C4, mainly methyl) into fatty acids esters and glycerin according to the reaction of trans-estrification:

Rapeseed oil + Methanol = Diester + Glycerin
100kg + 10kg = 100kg + 10kg

Basic properties and advantages of biodiesel in fuel applications are the following:
fuel to the Diesel engines as 100% of methyl or ethyl fatty acid esters, often called B100, diesel engines fuel containing biological component of methyl (ethyl) fatty acids esters.
In this regard, the most popular applied types of Biodiesel are:
so called B20 (20% of Biodiesel (esters) and 80% of mineral fuel oil)
so called B80 (80% of Biodiesel (esters) and 20% of mineral fuel oil)
other compositions of esters and mineral fuel oil
In technical literature and biofuels marketing it is usually used “Biodiesel” description primary as 100% methyl (ethyl) fatty acids esters. In this web service we applied this nomenclature.

Chemically, Biodiesel is the fatty acids ester.
It is obtained as a result of simple chemical reaction:

vegetable oil/fat + methyl alcohol (in the presence of catalyst) = methyl ester (RME) + glycerin

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Firma SELIKA POLSKA Sp. z o.o rozpoczęła działalność w 2004r. Siedziba znajduje się w Częstochowie. Głównym profilem działalności firmy to obrót hurtowy estrami metylowymi wyższych kwasów tłuszczowych zgodnych z EN 14214. Jesteśmy wyłącznym przedstawicielem firmy austriackiej BIODISEL KARNTEN GmbH na rynki: w Czechach, na Slowacji, Węgrzech oraz w Polsce.